Blog 9: How Aromatherapy Can Help Your Favourite GOT Characters

Blog 9: How Aromatherapy Can Help Your Favourite GOT Characters - Keya Seth Aromatherapy

How Aromatherapy can help GOT characters

“The Winter Is Here” and so is your renewed GOT obsession, bringing an end to the more- than-a-yearlong waiting. As “The End Begins” let us present you with a story that will fuel your GOT craze and will also help you understand how Aromatherapy can benefit you just like your favourite Game of Thrones characters to achieve flawless beauty & overall wellbeing. Wish you a thoroughly enjoyable read,

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryan

There’s hardly any GOT fan around the world who is not going gaga over the picture-perfect beauty of the Khaleesi. Be it her wax-like skin or those blonde long tresses that do not tangle up even after a ride on the Dragon, her beauty plays a key role in her presence & ‘success’ too and may be in this season we will see more to it as she arrives at Westeros.  

Daenerys’s skin concerns      

Daenery's with dragons

However, though her skin is fire-proof, it is not impervious to the claws of age & the daunting task she has taken up to win back King’s Landing is surely going to add more stress in her life, hastening the appearance of the signs of skin aging. Moreover, a closer look reveals she has freckles on her cheeks which is a clear sign of sun damage.

Aromatherapy suggestions for the Queen of Andals

Queen of Andals Game Of Thrones

To defy the signs of skin aging & to lighten the freckles, we would like to suggest Daenerys regular use of a proper blend of essential oils of Sandalwood, Wheatgerm & Carrot seed, in a proper carrier oil base. To keep her hair free from tangles & to make them shiny, a blend of lavender & cedarwood essential oils in olive oil base can be just perfect.

Jon Snow

Jon Snow in Game of Thrones

Yes, we know that he “Knows Nothing”, so we had to take the responsibility upon ourselves to inform him how to resist the claws of the harsh winter of “The North” on his skin & hair.  The scars & bruises on his face add to his manliness. So, we will not really suggest him to opt for an essential oil to erase those scars & turn ourselves into villains in the eyes of all his female fans.  

Aromatherapy to meet the beauty needs of Jon (Targaryen – Stark??)

Jon Snow in war GOT

But we all can agree on the point that his skin needs some serious mending. For deep hydration that can keep Jon Snow’s dry skin moisturized even after the “Winter has Arrived in The North”, rose, neroli & sandalwood essential oils along with a blend of sweet almond oil (Prunus amygdalis var. dulcis) will be ideal.

Essential oils to keep those curly hairs healthy

Game of Thrones Jon Snow

For maintaining those intricate curls in perfect condition Jon Snow can opt for eucalyptus and lavender essential oil blended in coconut carrier oil. To keep dandruff away in the chilly winter of the north, rosemary & tea tree essential oil in a proper carrier oil base will be most effective.

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lanister GOT

“A Lannister always pays his debts” but we don’t really expect that Tyrion Lannister will be indebted to us for giving him these holistic healing suggestions for managing stress without depending on too much alcohol. Though we just love his “I Drink and I know Things” avatar, for best of his health he should consider our suggestion.        

Our pick for Tyrion   

Tyrion lannister Game of Thrones  

Being one of the most important consultant to the Mother of Dragons, a lot of responsibility lies on Tyrion’s tiny shoulders. To make sure that he is stress free & able to carry out his responsibilities efficiently, regular body massage with a blend of relaxing & revitalizing essential oils from eucalyptus, thyme, sandalwood & rose, mixed with 5 – 10% vegetable oil is the best prescription.

Arya Stark

Arya Stark GOT

Arya has made it clear that she “don’t want to be a lady, like her mother or sister” but still having a healthy skin is important even after being a “Faceless Man”. It is also important that she is careful about her health & common illnesses to make sure that she can fulfil the ultimate challenge she has taken up. 

Arya’s skin concerns & their remedies

Arya stark in the House of Black and White

The rapid change in weather, from Winterfell to King’s Landing & then to Braavos is sure to have affected Arya’s skin. She is most expected to suffer from oily skin & skin problems like acne, which is common for teenagers of her age. Cedarwood & Clove essential oils are ideal for treating acne and also for controlling excess oil on the skin.

Aromatherapy for Arya’s health

Aromatherapy for Arya GOT

If she suffers from cough & cold due to frequent change in weather & long journeys, Eucalyptus essential oil & Basil essential oil can be of help as these oils make effective alternative medicine for relief from common cold & respiratory infections.    

Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark and Jon Snow Game of Thrones

She is “hurt” as Jon Snow didn’t “hail her as Queen of the North” but it is not really the right time for her to get too much emotional even though Littlefinger seems to be by her side at least for now. The beautiful lady might not need too much of skin or hair care owing to her good genes but she certainly needs to play her cards intelligently if she aspires to touch her high dreams.   

Our best suggestions for Sansa

Sansa and Littlefinger GOT

According to different research, inhalation of some essential oils is related with sharpening of the intellect & mental abilities. Effect of Rosemary & Lemon essential oil on human memory & focus is noteworthy. So, we would like to suggest Sansa to use these essential oils for inhaling frequently to ensure that she can have the full support of her clear-headed intelligence to become “The Queen of The North”.

Aromatherapy for Sansa’s skin & hair

Aromatherapy for Sansa Stark Game of Thrones

To protect her skin from the chilly effect of winter & signs of aging, she can use rose & carrot seed essential oil mixed with olive oil as a base. To keep her long mane soft & healthy she can opt for Chamomile essential oil blended in olive or coconut carrier oil.            

Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister on the Throne

We know that she is not one of your favourite GOT characters, not ours either. None of us will ever be able to forgive her particularly after killing almost everyone in King’s Landing in the last season finale.  But no matter what we think about her, you must accept that without Cersei Lannister in the picture, half of the fun of this super budget serial will be lost.

Forest Fire in Kings Landing Game of Thrones

“When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground” this dialogue portrays her character & her attitude towards the throne just perfectly & she has stood true to it in every step. Instead of going into more of her character, let us stick to the topic & check out how aromatherapy can help her.    

Cersei’s loves & threats

Cersei Lannister with her incest lover in GOT

Apart from the threat posed by the Queen of Meereen & the King in the North, aging is the other major menace that Cersei Lannister should take seriously, even if her love is ready to stand by her side. The quickly deepening furrow & smile lines on her face are clear signs that aging is a major concern for her now.

Aromatherapy for Cersei’s aging skin

Aromatherapy for Cersei's aging skin

These advancing wrinkles on skin can be restricted only with an intensive anti-aging skin care regime. Lavender, Frankincense, Clary Sage & Wheatgerm essential oils make some of the best kept secrets of the nature for controlling skin aging. Cersei Lannister should turn to these treatments to make sure that she ages gracefully.              


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