Blog 60: How to de-tan naturally, this summer - the quick guide

Getting tanned is one of the most common skin problems in summer. While proper use of a heat & sweat proof sunscreen with high SPF & PA+++ protection can help you to avoid getting tanned, if you miss to slather it on even a single time or even while staying at home, there is hardly anything that can save your skin from tan.
If it seems that your complexion has got hidden under dull, dark, tanned skin, its time to opt for natural de-tan treatments. Following a regular de-tan routine during summer along with a proper sunscreen ensures that your skin does not get tanned even during the hottest summer days.
Quick natural de-tan treatments
Sandalwood & Green coconut water
An easy and effective home remedy for de-tanning can be prepared with sandalwood powder & green coconut water. These two ingredients are known for their natural ability to remove skin tan and hyperpigmentation. Green coconut water also promotes youthful skin & sandalwood powder adds glow to the skin. You can use the Green Coconut water from our range to get the same effects.
Sour curd & Tomato
Tomato has high lycopene content which is a great anti-oxidant and natural de-tanning agent. Sour curd on the other hand is rich in milk protein, which nourishes the skin intensely and promotes a brighter complexion. A pack made with fresh sour curd and tomato pulp in 1:1 ratio can effectively sort out the problem of skin tanning with regular use.
Papaya & Honey
Papaya has natural bleaching effects on skin that helps in removing skin tan. Honey on the other hand nourishes the skin banish dryness caused by the effects of sun rays. Mix 2 tablespoon smashed papaya with 1 teaspoon and use daily to get rid of skin tan.
Oxy De Tan Pack
People with a busy lifestyle, who find spending time on preparing De-tan home remedies difficult, Keya Seth Aromatherapy has come up with the Oxy De Tan Pack, which is a natural formulation with essential oils for removing skin tan.
This face pack comes ready in the container and all you need to do is apply a thick layer of it directly onto your cleansed skin and leave on for 20 minutes before washing off with water. If you already have got tan on your skin, use it daily, otherwise use it two to three times a week during summer to keep suntan at bay. The pack contains clove & camphor essential oils that gives a clear, tan free complexion.
Sandalwood along with green coconut water is an wonderful remedy for de-tan. Also, you can mix sandalwood with coconut oil and turmeric to treat skin irritation and chaffing. Other remedy like tomato and yogurt will also work fine to reduce your skin darkening.
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