Pre-Puja & Puja Grooming Tips & Tricks

The heat is still quite high & rain is still spoiling Puja Shopping at times, but you can hardly miss the changes taking place in the nature. Preparations for welcoming ‘Uma’ have started not only in the Puja Pandals but also in the nature There’s a feeling of happiness in the air, seeming to buffer the everyday hectic life, making the perfect pre-puja ambience.
Even if you are living in a crowded city, you might not have missed the enchanting fragrance of ‘Shiuli’ early in the morning, announcing the advent of ‘Shorot’.
So, the nature is getting ready & you should not miss the chance too. It is the high time for you to start your preparations to make sure that you look & feel your best during the Puja.
The 5 days of Durga puja passes like a breeze but the preparations for it starts months before in nature as well as in our life. And in fact, the fun of this festive is hidden in all these preparations too. So, do not miss the chance to enjoy your life a bit more this festive season. Now, when the puja is less than a month away, you should start stealing a little time for yourself from your hectic daily schedule & get ready for the grand festive.
We are here to provide you with all the assistance & information to make sure that you look your best during the days of the festive & get tired of getting complements!!
To help you look gorgeous during the puja we have come up with a Special, 11 article long series on Pre-Puja & Puja grooming. These articles will be your first-hand guide for the special Puja look, helping you to discover your most beautiful self. So, stay tuned on our blog section to get to know the secret of looking your best this Durga Puja.