"নিমের সাথে প্রাকৃতিক চুলের যত্ন: একটি স্বাস্থ্যকর মাথার ত্বক এবং উজ্জ্বল চুলের জন্য DIY রেসিপি"

নিম একটি বহুমুখী উপাদান যা অনেক DIY ব্যবহার করে, বিশেষ করে ত্বকের যত্নে এবং চুলের যত্নে। নিম কাঠের প্রাকৃতিক অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল গুণ রয়েছে। উপরন্তু, DIY রেসিপিগুলিতে নিমের চিরুনি ব্যবহার করা চুলের স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য বেশ কিছু সুবিধা দেয়।
একটি DIY নিমের চিরুনি তৈরি করার সাথে চুলের স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য এর উপকারিতা বাড়ানোর জন্য নিমের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি যুক্ত করা জড়িত।
নিম আধান

-নিম পাতা বা নিমের তেল
- প্রশস্ত দাঁতযুক্ত চিরুনি
- ফুটন্ত জল
-নিম পাতা ব্যবহার করলে এক মুঠো পাতা পানিতে ১৫-২০ মিনিট ফুটিয়ে নিন।
-পানি ঠান্ডা হতে দিন।
- নিমের তেল ব্যবহার করলে কয়েক ফোঁটা গরম পানিতে মিশিয়ে নিন।
- নিমের দ্রবণে চওড়া দাঁতের চিরুনি রাখুন।
- নিমের গুণাগুণ চিরুনিতে ঢুকতে দেওয়ার জন্য এটি কমপক্ষে 30 মিনিটের জন্য ভিজিয়ে রাখুন।
- নিমের দ্রবণ থেকে চিরুনিটি সরিয়ে ফেলুন এবং এটিকে পুরোপুরি শুকিয়ে দিন।
- মাথার ত্বক এবং চুলে নিমের পূর্ণ উপকারিতা দিতে চিরুনি ব্যবহার করুন।
নিম এবং এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল ব্লেন্ড

-নিম পাতা বা নিমের তেল
- প্রশস্ত দাঁতযুক্ত চিরুনি
- ফুটন্ত জল
- প্রয়োজনীয় তেল (যেমন, ল্যাভেন্ডার, রোজমেরি)
-নিম ইনফিউশন রেসিপিতে বর্ণিত নিমের দ্রবণ প্রস্তুত করুন।
- সুগন্ধি এবং বাড়তি সুবিধার জন্য নিমের দ্রবণে আপনার পছন্দের অপরিহার্য তেলের কয়েক ফোঁটা যোগ করুন।
- নিমের মধ্যে চওড়া দাঁতের চিরুনি এবং এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল ব্লেন্ড করুন।
- এটি কমপক্ষে 30 মিনিটের জন্য ভিজতে দিন।
- দ্রবণ থেকে চিরুনিটি সরান এবং এটি সম্পূর্ণরূপে শুকিয়ে দিন।
- মাথার ত্বক ও চুলে নিমের সম্পূর্ণ উপকারিতা এবং পছন্দের এসেনশিয়াল অয়েলের অতিরিক্ত সুবিধা প্রদান করতে চিরুনি ব্যবহার করুন।
নিম পাতা এবং আপেল সিডার ভিনেগার ধুয়ে ফেলুন

-নিম পাতা
- আপেল সিডার ভিনেগার জল
- প্রশস্ত দাঁতযুক্ত চিরুনি
- এক মুঠো নিম পাতা পানিতে 15-20 মিনিট সিদ্ধ করুন।
-নিম পাতার জল ঠান্ডা হতে দিন এবং পাতা ছেঁকে নিন।
-নিম পাতার পানির সাথে সমান অংশে আপেল সাইডার ভিনেগার মিশিয়ে নিন।
- আপনার চুল ধোয়ার পরে এই মিশ্রণটি শেষ ধুয়ে ফেলুন।
-ভেজা হলে চওড়া দাঁতওয়ালা নিমের চিরুনি দিয়ে চুল আঁচড়ান।
- চুল এবং মাথার ত্বকে নিমের চিরুনির অ্যান্টিব্যাকটেরিয়াল উপকারিতা প্রদান করে।
- আপনার চুল বাতাসে শুকাতে দিন।
এই রেসিপিগুলি নিমের চিরুনিকে এর উপকারী গুণাবলীর সাথে মিশ্রিত করতে সাহায্য করতে পারে। স্বাস্থ্যকর চুল এবং মাথার ত্বকের প্রচারের জন্য সেরাটি খুঁজে পেতে বিভিন্ন মিশ্রণের সাথে পরীক্ষা করুন। এই রেসিপিগুলি আপনার পছন্দ এবং উপাদানগুলির প্রাপ্যতার উপর ভিত্তি করে কাস্টমাইজ করা যেতে পারে।
TTENTION PLEASE!!! Am so glad to be expressing my profound gratitude to a man that is so concerned about other people’s well being. I was suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE II) The doctors keep telling me that there is no cure but i believe that there is a cure somewhere and they don’t want people to get cured. I tried searching online if I could see anything that will help me and a comment on YouTube on how Dr lucky help to cure herpes with herbs and i also saw so many comments about him on many web pages on how he had helped and cured so many people suffering from HERPES 1$2, HPV, CANCER, HIV/AIDS, COLD SORE etc. So I contacted him through his email and I shared my problems with him and he sent me the herbs through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it. It took me two weeks to finish the herbs and after I finished using it, he told me to go for a medical test, behold the result was negative, now I am HERPES VIRUS free. I just want to use this platform to thank Dr lucky for curing me from that horrible disease and also for exposing his herbal cure to the world at large, please you can as well contact Dr lucky on his email below. Name: Dr lucky Email:drluckyherbalistherbs@gmail.com PHONE/WHATS APP : (+2348155879711} Dr lucky herbs is the perfect remedy for Herpes1&2, HPV, HIV and other diseases.
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CNC Intelligence is a team of Cyber Intelligence, Crypto Investigation, Asset Tracing and Offshore Legal experts. Working together to form a boutique cyber and crypto intelligence group focused on providing results.
Using the latest Cyber Tools, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Human Intelligence (HUMINT), and cutting edge technology, we provide actionable intelligence to our clients.
- Expert Cyber Investigation Services —Our cyber investigators are certified in the US, UK and experienced with investigations spanning 6 continents.
- Cryptocurrency And Digital Asset Tracking -- We are able to track the movement of several different cryptocurrencies and assets. If the cryptocurrency has been moved, we are able to follow it.
- Strategic Intelligence For Asset Recovery - The first step to recovery is locating recoverable assets. Our experienced team will be able to walk you through the process.
Schedule a mail session with our team of professionals today via – cncintel247 (@) gmail (.) com to get started immediately or visit – cncintel (.) com
BEWARE of FABRICATED reviews and testimonies endorsing fraudsters, do not get scammed twice.
Disclaimer: CNC Intelligence is not a law enforcement agency and not a law firm. Like all investigators, we cannot guarantee specific results, but we apply our expertise and resources to every case professionally and ethically.
My sincere gratitude to Morphohack Cyber Service for helping me recover my crypto assets from the FTX exchange where my deposits of 687K worth of coins have been held for more than two months without release.
I thought my assets were gone forever as all means to withdraw from the FTX trading exchange were unsuccessful, but I was told about the services of Morphohack Cyber Services who was able to help me recover my crypto assets after I provided my wallet address and evidence of the transactions. FTX exchange has locked my account for months with no response but thanks to the services of Morphohack Cyber Service, I was able to recover my crypto assets. It’s important to do your due diligence before investing in any platform. Morphohack can be contacted via
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My sincere gratitude to Morphohack Cyber Service for helping me recover my crypto assets from the FTX exchange where my deposits of 687K worth of coins have been held for more than two months without release.
I thought my assets were gone forever as all means to withdraw from the FTX trading exchange were unsuccessful, but I was told about the services of Morphohack Cyber Services who was able to help me recover my crypto assets after I provided my wallet address and evidence of the transactions. FTX exchange has locked my account for months with no response but thanks to the services of Morphohack Cyber Service, I was able to recover my crypto assets. It’s important to do your due diligence before investing in any platform. Morphohack can be contacted via
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How I Got My Ex Back with the Help of a Spell Caster +2349161779461
Hello everyone, my name is Kiara Hahn from California. I want to share my story about a powerful spell caster named Dr. Jakuta. I was heartbroken when my fiancé left me without warning, and I spent the last month feeling confused, guilty, and devastated. Desperate for help, I searched online for relationship advice and found Dr. Jakuta, who has helped many people with their relationship problems. I reached out to him, and he promised to bring my fiancé back to me within 72 hours. After following his instructions, my fiancé surprisingly showed up at my doorstep, apologized, and now we’re living happily together again. If you’re having relationship issues, you can contact Dr. Jakuta at
Email: doctorjakutaspellcaster24@gmail.com
Website: https://urgent-lovespell-caster.zarlasites.com
WhatsApp: +2349161779461
Hello! I’m very excited to inform everyone that I’m completely cured from my HSV 1&2 recently. I have used Oregano oil, Coconut oil, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, and some other products and it’s really help during my outbreaks but I totally got cured! from my HSV with a strong and active herbal medicine ordered from a powerful Traditional Healer and it completely fought the virus from my nervous system and I was tested negative after fews weeks of usage the herbal medicine. I’m here to let you’ all know that herpes virus has a complete cure, I got rid of mine with the help of DR SIKIES a traditional Healer from west African and his herbal exploit. Contact him via mail: drsikies@gmail.com /WhatsApp +2349137453970
Via Website:https://drsikiesherbalcuremedicine.weebly.com/
You can reach me via mail Rebeccapwilson5@gmail.com
My name is Becky Bell, from Washington, I got the chance to win $756.6 million mega million jackpot last year (2023) with the help of Dr Uwaifo spell casting. I contacted him after seeing testimonies of some people he has helped win millions of dollars through the use of his spell casting gift, he gave me the winning numbers to play on the mega million draw day, I did exactly what he instructed me to do, and I won the price tag of $756.6 million dollars. You too can stand the chance to win millions of dollars by contacting him with this phone number:1(315) 277-2762 Via website: https://druwaifospelltempl.wixsite.com/my-site-1 and email: druwaifospelltemple@gmail.com
My sincere gratitude to Morphohack Cyber Service for helping me recover my crypto assets from the FTX exchange where my deposits of 687k worth of coins have been held for more than two months without release.
I thought my assets were gone forever as all means to withdraw from the FTX trading exchange were unsuccessful, but I was told about the services of Morphohack Cyber Services who was able to help me recover my crypto assets after I provided my wallet address and evidence of the transactions. FTX exchange has locked my account for months with no response but thanks to the services of Morphohack Cyber Service, I was able to recover my crypto assets. It’s important to do your due diligence before investing in any platform. Morphohack can be contacted via
WhatsApp:+1 2 1 3 6 7 2 4 0 9 2
My sincere gratitude to Morphohack Cyber Service for helping me recover my crypto assets from the FTX exchange where my deposits of 687k worth of coins have been held for more than two months without release.
I thought my assets were gone forever as all means to withdraw from the FTX trading exchange were unsuccessful, but I was told about the services of Morphohack Cyber Services who was able to help me recover my crypto assets after I provided my wallet address and evidence of the transactions. FTX exchange has locked my account for months with no response but thanks to the services of Morphohack Cyber Service, I was able to recover my crypto assets. It’s important to do your due diligence before investing in any platform. Morphohack can be contacted via
WhatsApp:+1 2 1 3 6 7 2 4 0 9 2
CNC Intelligence is a team of Cyber Intelligence, Crypto Investigation, Asset Tracing and Offshore Legal experts. Working together to form a boutique cyber and crypto intelligence group focused on providing results.
Using the latest Cyber Tools, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Human Intelligence (HUMINT), and cutting edge technology, we provide actionable intelligence to our clients.
- Expert Cyber Investigation Services —Our cyber investigators are certified in the US, UK and experienced with investigations spanning 6 continents.
- Cryptocurrency And Digital Asset Tracking -- We are able to track the movement of several different cryptocurrencies and assets. If the cryptocurrency has been moved, we are able to follow it.
- Strategic Intelligence For Asset Recovery - The first step to recovery is locating recoverable assets. Our experienced team will be able to walk you through the process.
Schedule a mail session with our team of professionals today via – cncintel247 (@) gmail (.) com to get started immediately or visit – cncintel (.) com
BEWARE of FABRICATED reviews and testimonies endorsing fraudsters, do not get scammed twice.
Disclaimer: CNC Intelligence is not a law enforcement agency and not a law firm. Like all investigators, we cannot guarantee specific results, but we apply our expertise and resources to every case professionally and ethically.
Get Your Ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend Back! DR ONOBUN is certainly the best Spell Caster online and his result is 100% guarantee. He restored my broken relationship in just 48 hours……………Contact him today for any kind of Spell .. Contact him via email: dronobunspiritualhome@gmail.com or call / WhatsApp +2348051300199
I want to thank Dr Ogudugu a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem I then contact Dr Ogudugu and told him every thing and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within 48 hours, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him via email: greatogudugu@gmail.com or add him up on his whatsapp +2348163026536 is willing to help any body that need his help.
There’s a mystery behind every lottery winner’s story that you don’t know. I found a way to win after a long time of playing the lottery without winning any reasonable amount of money, i contacted Dr Lucas through Brad Duke’s post saying how Dr Lucas helped him won the lottery with his spiritual powers, and i was very desperate to try him to see if it will work for me, i contacted him at once and he responded and asked what i want him to do for me, i told him i want to win big on the lottery and he replied by saying, that’s what i know how to do best, he told me what i should do, i did them perfectly, he gave me a date that he will give me the numbers and he never failed, I’m ( Scott G ) the 55 million lottery winner, i was able to achieve this with the help of Dr Lucas spell, this is not a joke, my story is all over the Internet how i won 55 millions you can do your research, but i want everyone struggling to win the lottery to hit Dr Lucas up at once and your story will change at once just like every other people who have benefited from his good work, Dr Lucas is tested and trusted. Email Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com || WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567
There’s a mystery behind every lottery winner’s story that you don’t know. I found a way to win after a long time of playing the lottery without winning any reasonable amount of money, i contacted Dr Lucas through Brad Duke’s post saying how Dr Lucas helped him won the lottery with his spiritual powers, and i was very desperate to try him to see if it will work for me, i contacted him at once and he responded and asked what i want him to do for me, i told him i want to win big on the lottery and he replied by saying, that’s what i know how to do best, he told me what i should do, i did them perfectly, he gave me a date that he will give me the numbers and he never failed, I’m ( Scott G ) the 55 million lottery winner, i was able to achieve this with the help of Dr Lucas spell, this is not a joke, my story is all over the Internet how i won 55 millions you can do your research, but i want everyone struggling to win the lottery to hit Dr Lucas up at once and your story will change at once just like every other people who have benefited from his good work, Dr Lucas is tested and trusted. Email Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com || WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567
I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr. UMA on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according .to his instructions. When i was done taking the herbal medicine i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. UMA today on this Email address: dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com or whatsapp +2347035619585.
Is CBEX a scam? That was going through my mind for weeks when I mistakenly registered in a fake crypto exchange platform CBEX.sx pretending to be the original CBEX, I had already deposited more than a million dollars into my trading account when I realized it was the wrong website. I contacted the original website support but they couldn’t help me. I was deeply disturbed and devastated by this incident. It turned out they had cloned the website of CBEX, unfortunately this means my money is gone. I was scrolling the internet looking for ways to recover lost crypto funds when I came across Morphohack Cyber Service, a crypto recovery company. Morphohack was able to detect that it was a cloned phishing site used to deceive victims and steal crypto funds. I was shocked when Morphohack Cyber told me my funds could be recovered with their sophisticated malware and tools. I provided every information required for the transaction and wallet, and that was how Morphohack was able to recover my crypto funds without any hiccups. I was stunned by how quickly it took, Morphohack is simply the best.
WhatsApp(+1 2 1 3 6 7 2 4 0 9 2)
Is CBEX a scam? That was going through my mind for weeks when I mistakenly registered in a fake crypto exchange platform CBEX.sx pretending to be the original CBEX, I had already deposited more than a million dollars into my trading account when I realized it was the wrong website. I contacted the original website support but they couldn’t help me. I was deeply disturbed and devastated by this incident. It turned out they had cloned the website of CBEX, unfortunately this means my money is gone. I was scrolling the internet looking for ways to recover lost crypto funds when I came across Morphohack Cyber Service, a crypto recovery company. Morphohack was able to detect that it was a cloned phishing site used to deceive victims and steal crypto funds. I was shocked when Morphohack Cyber told me my funds could be recovered with their sophisticated malware and tools. I provided every information required for the transaction and wallet, and that was how Morphohack was able to recover my crypto funds without any hiccups. I was stunned by how quickly it took, Morphohack is simply the best.
WhatsApp(+1 2 1 3 6 7 2 4 0 9 2)
I can’t believe this’s happening, I never believe there is cure to this herpes virus because they all say there is no cure for the virus, a few months ago I came across this site on the internet with several messages shared by people who has got rid of herpes virus with the help of herbal medication from an herbal man. I contacted this man through his website and asked for the medicine also, he informed me about the cure process and this man sent me the herbal medicine which I drink according to the way he instructed for weeks. I couldn’t believe it when I go for a test several times my result comes out negative and all the symptoms were gone. I am so happy to share this to the world there is a real cure to herpes’ you can reach and also know about this herbalist on his website.. https://excelherbalcure.com