শিয়া সঙ্গে চুক্তি সিল! আমাদের Shea Butter Symphony-এর সাহায্যে আপনার ত্বককে কোমল করার উপায় DIY করুন

Seal the deal with Shea! DIY your way to supple skin with our Shea Butter Symphony
ত্বকের শুষ্কতা দূর করার জন্য আমাদের ময়েশ্চারাইজেশন প্রয়োজন। ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড এর জন্য চমৎকার। টপিকলি প্রয়োগকৃত ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড ত্বকের বাধার গঠন ও কার্যকারিতায় হস্তক্ষেপ করতে পারে। এগুলি ত্বকের আর্দ্রতার ভারসাম্য বজায় রাখতে এবং আরও নমনীয় এবং তারুণ্যময় চেহারা প্রচার করতে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড সমৃদ্ধ, শিয়া মাখন শুষ্কতা কমানোর জন্য একটি নিখুঁত উত্তর। এটিতে শক্তিশালী অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্ল্যামেটরি, অ্যান্টিঅক্সিডেন্ট এবং ময়শ্চারাইজিং বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে। 
DIY রেসিপিগুলিতে শিয়া মাখন গ্রহণ করা শুষ্কতার জন্য উপযুক্ত এবং ত্বকের সামগ্রিক স্বাস্থ্য এবং হাইড্রেশন বাড়ায়, এটি আপনার ত্বকের যত্নের রুটিনে একটি বহুমুখী এবং মূল্যবান সংযোজন করে তোলে। 

ময়শ্চারাইজিং বডি বাটার:

1 বা 2 টেবিল চামচ শিয়া বাটার।
1 চা চামচ নারকেল তেল।
4-5 ফোঁটা রোজ এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল।

1 বা 2 চামচ নিন। একটি পাত্রে শিয়া মাখন।
1 চা চামচ মেশান। এর মধ্যে নারকেল তেল।
একটি মসৃণ পেস্ট তৈরি করুন।
এতে 2 থেকে 3 ফোঁটা রোজ এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল যোগ করুন।
প্রয়োজনমতো প্রতিদিন শরীরে লাগান।

হাইড্রেটিং বডি স্ক্রাব:

1 বা 2 টেবিল চামচ শিয়া বাটার।
1 চা চামচ গ্রেট করা চিনি।
অলিভ অয়েল আধা চা চামচ।
4-5 ফোঁটা টিট্রি এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল।

1 বা 2 চামচ নিন। একটি পাত্রে শিয়া মাখন।
1 চা চামচ যোগ করুন। গ্রেটেড চিনি।
দুটোই ভালো করে মেশান।
আধা চা চামচ মেশান। এর মধ্যে অলিভ অয়েল।
এতে 4-5 ফোঁটা টিট্রি এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল যোগ করুন।
হাইড্রেটিং এক্সফোলিয়েশনের জন্য সপ্তাহে দুবার এটি ব্যবহার করুন।

শিয়া মাখন এবং জোজোবা তেল হ্যান্ড সালভ:

2 টেবিল চামচ কাঁচা শিয়া মাখন।
1 এবং আধা চা চামচ জোজোবা তেল।
1-3 ফোঁটা ল্যাভেন্ডার এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল।
2 টেবিল চামচ নিন। একটি পাত্রে শিয়া মাখন।
দেড় চা চামচ জোজোবা তেল যোগ করুন।
একটি মসৃণ পেস্ট তৈরি করুন।
এতে ১-২ ফোঁটা ল্যাভেন্ডার এসেনশিয়াল অয়েল যোগ করুন।
তীব্র, প্রশান্তিদায়ক হাইড্রেশনের জন্য এটি আপনার হাতে প্রয়োগ করুন।
আপনার কোন প্রতিকূল প্রতিক্রিয়া নেই তা নিশ্চিত করতে প্রথমে আপনার ত্বকে অল্প পরিমাণ পরীক্ষা করতে ভুলবেন না।  

ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড সম্পর্কে আরও জানতে চান? কিভাবে ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড আপনার ত্বকের স্বাস্থ্য এবং চেহারা এবং ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড উন্নত করতে পারে আমাদের নিবন্ধটি অন্বেষণ করুন

কীভাবে ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড আপনার ত্বকের স্বাস্থ্য এবং চেহারা উন্নত করতে পারে:
ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড ফ্যাটি অ্যাসিড

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    Collins Ruben: September 02, 2024


    After reading a brilliant article that lauded and advertised an investing group, I fell victim to a bitcoin scam. After speaking with them on their contracts, I invested $225,000 with the understanding that I would see my first 15% profit in a matter of weeks. Upon realizing my earnings, I found out the business was a scam. I finally lost patience with them and asked for my money back because they were always pressuring me to invest more, but they never answered or gave me a refund. I decided to get in touch with  rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz  after learning about him from a golf buddy who had previously used his services. 
     He was prompt in his response when I explained my problem and my complaints, and in just 28 days, he had restored my money together with the right profit. I advise anyone in a comparable situation to get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. They provide excellent services, are affordable, trustworthy, and dependable. They offer a range of services.

  • Author image
    Collins Ruben: September 02, 2024


    After reading a brilliant article that lauded and advertised an investing group, I fell victim to a bitcoin scam. After speaking with them on their contracts, I invested $225,000 with the understanding that I would see my first 15% profit in a matter of weeks. Upon realizing my earnings, I found out the business was a scam. I finally lost patience with them and asked for my money back because they were always pressuring me to invest more, but they never answered or gave me a refund. I decided to get in touch with  rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz  after learning about him from a golf buddy who had previously used his services. 
     He was prompt in his response when I explained my problem and my complaints, and in just 28 days, he had restored my money together with the right profit. I advise anyone in a comparable situation to get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. They provide excellent services, are affordable, trustworthy, and dependable. They offer a range of services.

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    peter gonzalez: September 02, 2024

    “I decided to try out the services of software Specialist, he helps people to recover lost funds. I can vouch for him because I have used him when I lost a considerable amount of money in a dubious online investment. To be honest, I was skeptical at first but to my surprise he was able to recover my lost funds within a few weeks and mind you im talking about a very large sum recovered . The guy was professional and efficient in his work and what I liked most about him is that he kept updating me on the process of recovering my lost funds. Till today all I do is appreciate his generosity and that is why I decided to give this information to the public of how good he renders his services. Contact him on his mail on ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM OR CALL OR TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536‬ or whatsapp +14106350697 for great hacking services.”

  • Author image
    peter gonzalez: September 02, 2024

    “I decided to try out the services of software Specialist, he helps people to recover lost funds. I can vouch for him because I have used him when I lost a considerable amount of money in a dubious online investment. To be honest, I was skeptical at first but to my surprise he was able to recover my lost funds within a few weeks and mind you im talking about a very large sum recovered . The guy was professional and efficient in his work and what I liked most about him is that he kept updating me on the process of recovering my lost funds. Till today all I do is appreciate his generosity and that is why I decided to give this information to the public of how good he renders his services. Contact him on his mail on ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM OR CALL OR TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536‬ or whatsapp +14106350697 for great hacking services.”

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    Jackson Lee: September 02, 2024

    How can I recover my money from a Blockchain wallet? – Hire GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY EXPERT today

    I lost a lot of money when I made an investment in cryptocurrencies a month ago, which emphasizes how important it is to do extensive research before making such a big commitment. Many take advantage of this chance to con people out of their hard-earned money. Thankfully, it turned out that I had been duped out of $790,900 in Ethereum and Bitcoin. I discovered GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY HACKER after doing some research, and they assisted me in getting my money back. Their help was greatly appreciated, and their services were priceless. For assistance in recovering cryptocurrency, I suggest contacting HACKER.

    Email address…. ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz
    WhatsApp: +1 (940) 354-3143
    Telegram ……. http://t.me/Ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker

  • Author image
    Jackson Lee: September 02, 2024

    How can I recover my money from a Blockchain wallet? – Hire GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY EXPERT today

    I lost a lot of money when I made an investment in cryptocurrencies a month ago, which emphasizes how important it is to do extensive research before making such a big commitment. Many take advantage of this chance to con people out of their hard-earned money. Thankfully, it turned out that I had been duped out of $790,900 in Ethereum and Bitcoin. I discovered GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY HACKER after doing some research, and they assisted me in getting my money back. Their help was greatly appreciated, and their services were priceless. For assistance in recovering cryptocurrency, I suggest contacting HACKER.

    Email address…. ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz
    WhatsApp: +1 (940) 354-3143
    Telegram ……. http://t.me/Ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker

  • Author image
    Jackson Lee: September 02, 2024

    How can I recover my money from a Blockchain wallet? – Hire GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY EXPERT today

    I lost a lot of money when I made an investment in cryptocurrencies a month ago, which emphasizes how important it is to do extensive research before making such a big commitment. Many take advantage of this chance to con people out of their hard-earned money. Thankfully, it turned out that I had been duped out of $790,900 in Ethereum and Bitcoin. I discovered GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY HACKER after doing some research, and they assisted me in getting my money back. Their help was greatly appreciated, and their services were priceless. For assistance in recovering cryptocurrency, I suggest contacting HACKER.

    Email address…. ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz
    WhatsApp: +1 (940) 354-3143
    Telegram ……. http://t.me/Ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker

  • Author image
    Jackson Lee: September 02, 2024

    How can I recover my money from a Blockchain wallet? – Hire GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY EXPERT today

    I lost a lot of money when I made an investment in cryptocurrencies a month ago, which emphasizes how important it is to do extensive research before making such a big commitment. Many take advantage of this chance to con people out of their hard-earned money. Thankfully, it turned out that I had been duped out of $790,900 in Ethereum and Bitcoin. I discovered GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY HACKER after doing some research, and they assisted me in getting my money back. Their help was greatly appreciated, and their services were priceless. For assistance in recovering cryptocurrency, I suggest contacting HACKER.

    Email address…. ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz
    WhatsApp: +1 (940) 354-3143
    Telegram ……. http://t.me/Ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker

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    esther wells: August 30, 2024

    All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ gmail.com OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697 if you need access to your partner’s phone

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    esther wells: August 30, 2024

    I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contatc him for all kind of hacks . Email him here via EMAIL SUPERIOR.HACK@GMAIL.COM or CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697

  • Author image
    esther wells: August 30, 2024

    I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contatc him for all kind of hacks . Email him here via EMAIL SUPERIOR.HACK@GMAIL.COM or CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697

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    James morgan: August 29, 2024

    Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to GLOBAL ACCESS RECOVERY for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $60,000 through their hacking skills. I tried it, I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back. I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites. you can also contact them via E-mail: kbhacktools@outlook.com or text them on Whatsapp: +1 (559) 593-1640

  • Author image
    James morgan: August 29, 2024

    Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to GLOBAL ACCESS RECOVERY for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $60,000 through their hacking skills. I tried it, I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back. I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites. you can also contact them via E-mail: kbhacktools@outlook.com or text them on Whatsapp: +1 (559) 593-1640

  • Author image
    James morgan: August 29, 2024

    Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to GLOBAL ACCESS RECOVERY for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $60,000 through their hacking skills. I tried it, I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back. I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites. you can also contact them via E-mail: kbhacktools@outlook.com or text them on Whatsapp: +1 (559) 593-1640

  • Author image
    James morgan: August 29, 2024

    Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to GLOBAL ACCESS RECOVERY for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $60,000 through their hacking skills. I tried it, I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back. I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites. you can also contact them via E-mail: kbhacktools@outlook.com or text them on Whatsapp: +1 (559) 593-1640

  • Author image
    James morgan: August 29, 2024

    Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to GLOBAL ACCESS RECOVERY for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $60,000 through their hacking skills. I tried it, I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back. I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites. you can also contact them via E-mail: kbhacktools@outlook.com or text them on Whatsapp: +1 (559) 593-1640

  • Author image
    Rita C. Taylor: August 25, 2024


    My heart was shattered into a million pieces when I discovered that the person I thought I had fallen deeply in love with was a fake. A celebrity impersonator who manipulated my emotions and swindled me out of $200,000 in Bitcoin. I felt like I was living in a nightmare, unable to wake up from the pain and betrayal. BUT, thanks to the angels at jetwebhackers, I was able to recover my money and bring the scammer to justice. Their expertise and support gave me the strength to heal and move forward. If you’re going through something similar, please know that you’re not alone. Don’t give up hope – there are good people who can help you. #scamvictim #heartbroken #bitcoinrecovery #justice



    TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

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    elijah henry: August 23, 2024


    I recently had the unfortunate experience of losing 76,000 USDT, which was a huge blow. Thankfully, I came across the Paradox Recovery Wizard, who was able to recover every last bit of it. Their approach was professional and thorough, guiding me through each step of the recovery process with clear communication and expert knowledge. I was amazed at how effectively they were able to retrieve my lost funds.

    If you’re facing a similar issue, I highly recommend the Paradox Recovery Wizard. They turned what felt like a hopeless situation into a success, and I can’t thank them enough for their help.


    Email: S u p p o r t @ paradox recovery wizard . com

    Email: paradox_recovery@cyberservices.com.

    WhatsApp: +39 351 222 3051.

    Website: h t t p s : / / paradoxrecoverywizard . com

  • Author image
    Rita C. Taylor: August 23, 2024


    I thought I’d lost everything when I fell victim to ruthless scammers, surrendering over $250,000 in investments and another $175,000 in bitcoin trying to track them down. But then, I stumbled upon a lifeline – jetwebhackers company that promised to help me recover my losses. Skeptical at first, I took a chance… and it paid off! Not only did I recover a substantial amount, but the scammers were also brought to justice and their website taken down! If you’re in the same boat, don’t give up hope. Reach out to these experts and get your life back on track!"
    Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their


    TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

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    Linda Perez : August 23, 2024


    I just have to testify about this here and let everyone know how much better I feel right now. I had over $800k in bitcoin Lost to a fake investor online that I came across last three mouths through a colleague of mine at work which also lost her investment along the line though she has been investing with the company for months too and been paid out severally before this happened tried reaching the team but did not get any feedback for several weeks, at some point I thought about getting a hacker to see if that will help and then I read about a team called GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. They helped people retrieve their lost funds in investment or even stolen from their bank accounts. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Thank you for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If you find it hard to reach him through email then contact him through

    Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com
    Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
    WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 )

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